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Bret Sanor
Jun 10, 20241 min read
Monday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! When God calls you to something and you say "yes" He will test your "yes" to see if you really mean it. Jesus said "yes"...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 9, 20241 min read
Sunday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! John 3:16 is one of the most, if not the most popular or well known verses in the Bible. But the next verse is so important...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 8, 20241 min read
Saturday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Sometimes people need someone to talk to. It helps to work through a problem or complex feelings. Nothing makes a person...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 7, 20241 min read
Friday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! God cares about how we treat each other. So much so, that He wrote with His own finger six of the ten commandments on how...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 6, 20241 min read
Thursday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves. He wasn't just meaning who we live next to but sometimes it's easier to...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 5, 20241 min read
Wednesday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Grace is not the liberty to do whatever you please without consequence. It is the unmerited, undeserved and unearned favor...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 4, 20241 min read
Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! One of the biggest problems in the church at large is division, disagreements and a lack of unity. The Baptists can't get...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 3, 20241 min read
Monday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Unity is important. So important, in fact, that Jesus prayed for it among believers before He went to the cross recorded in...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 2, 20241 min read
Sunday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! James is making a distinction between earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom so we can recognize the difference. Earthly wisdom...
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Bret Sanor
Jun 1, 20241 min read
Saturday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Working hard without ever being thanked or noticed is often hard to do. It can take away the motivation to keep going and...
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Bret Sanor
May 31, 20241 min read
Friday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Often times I find people have a stumbling block with believing in God because they over-intellectualize Him. They don't...
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Bret Sanor
May 30, 20241 min read
Thursday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Sometimes it's hard to see your help in the midst of a battle. It's often hard to see the Lord in the turmoil surrounding...
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Bret Sanor
May 29, 20241 min read
Wednesday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! I remember when my wife first become pregnant with our first child. I remember the awe and wonder of what the baby would be...
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Bret Sanor
May 28, 20241 min read
Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Women are special people in that they are the only one's who can grow another human inside of them and give birth to that...
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Bret Sanor
May 27, 20241 min read
Monday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! I see a lot of people marry someone purely on looks or physical attraction. It is a shallow relationship full of vanity and...
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Bret Sanor
May 26, 20241 min read
Sunday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! May is the month we think of mothers. A wife is a wonderful thing and when she becomes a mother, she takes on a whole new...
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Bret Sanor
May 25, 20241 min read
Saturday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! I don't know about you, but I find it very easy to expect more out of others than I do myself at times. I have bad days and...
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Bret Sanor
May 24, 20241 min read
Friday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Living according to the flesh in matters of offense means you look to get even. Living according to the Spirit in the same...
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Bret Sanor
May 23, 20241 min read
Thursday's verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! Chapter seven of Romans is about the struggle between the flesh and the (Holy) Spirit in the life of a believer. If we walk...
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Bret Sanor
May 22, 20241 min read
Wednesday's Verse of the Day Devotional
Good morning! In today's world, it seems that everyone is very knowledgeable and that's good to a point, but without wisdom, knowledge...
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