Good morning! Jesus said in the days nearing His return, it would be like the days of Noah where people were living carelessly and not paying attention to the signs God was giving. When the day the rain started, the preacher didn't seem so crazy anymore and the Ark didn't seem like such a waste of time.
People are distracted by the things of this life. They are ignoring all the signs around them right now that God is using to get people's attention. Jesus is coming back and we're running out of time for playing games with God. Are you ready for the rain?
It won't be a physical rain this time, but a spiritual rain of His Spirit that will usher His bride (true believers and followers of Christ) into heaven. I'm looking forward to that day. If the thought scares you, get right with God so you can have His peace. The devil is seeking whom he can lull to sleep and make weak with distraction.
You have to be diligent and watch what is going on around you. You have to be sober-minded and aware of the enemy's tactics. Stay out of his snares and away from his traps. Resist his temptations and rely on Jesus to strengthen you so you can make each day a great day!