Good morning! It is not only good to discover the truth of God's great works through the evidence He has provided, but it is good to remind yourself of it often. It's easy to get discouraged in hard, dark times. Think back on what the Lord has done and how He has gone so far to show you His goodness.
It will strengthen and encourage you in times of doubt, struggle, pain, disappointment, betrayal and misunderstandings. Put the focus back on Him and His goodness and not on the moral failures of mankind. Praise Him in place of the turmoil and He will turn things around.
Remind yourself of His goodness. Praise Him for the victory even when you can't see your way out of the situation. Why? Because He is worthy of praise even when the things around us are not pleasant or going our way. He is still faithful and true. Magnify the Lord and your problems will grow strangely dim in the light of His goodness and grace. Look up and make a great day!