Good morning! Today is traditionally known as Halloween. For Satanists, it is like Christmas and Easter wrapped up into one and their biggest holiday. There are many things they do in worship of the devil on this night in celebration of the dead.
As Christians, we should not partake of these celebrations dedicated to satanic worship. It's not harmless just because you don't see the spiritual effects with your natural eyes. We must put this verse into practice and be renewed in our minds.
We must not conform to the pattern of this world. We are to be separate from this world and the things of it. Satanists do not come to church on Resurrection Day, do they? Then we should not participate in the demonic holidays of pagan worship as Christians.
I know, it's taboo and controversial, but God is not pleased with Christians who participate in pagan practices. We are to turn away from things that give an open door to the devil. We worship the living God, not dead relatives of the past. We worship God alone. Do not have a mixture of the holy and the profane. Stay vigilant, stay sober-minded and be watchful.
The devil prowls around like a lion seeking whom he may devour. Don't be caught off-guard. Stay alert, be holy and let the Lord transform and renew your mind so you can live a holy life and make each day a great day!