Good morning! The word of God is alive. God breathed on His word so that when you read it, it also reads you. What that means is you read it, but God speaks to you through the word and tells you if you are living in the truth or have some work to do.
It reads right into your motives and discerns your thoughts. You can't hide a thing from God and His word reveals the things in us we think we're hiding and getting away with. The Holy Spirit works through the word.
It not only tells us what we need to change but also affirms us in God's love. It encourages us when we grow weary from the attacks of the enemy as we live out righteousness. The word is not just another book, it is the infallible word of God. It is alive and active. Fill yourself with the word and it will fill you with truth and wisdom so you can make each day a great day!