Good morning! As the country begins to transition to a new president, some are thrilled and some are very upset. No matter which one you are, remember, God appoints leaders. He has a reason for the person He chooses for each position in each season.
We need to trust His decisions and be obedient to what He tells us to do. He commands us to pray for our leaders and those in authority. Pray for their protection, decision making to be godly and to exercise godly judgment with heavenly wisdom.
If you can't bring yourself to pray that way, ask God to heal your heart and change your attitude to be like Jesus. Being mad or bitter isn't going to change results, but how we move forward can bring healing or hurt depending on our conduct. Seek to lead a peaceable, quiet life in godliness and fear of the Lord. Don't get caught up in the cultural rhetoric of the day, but do your best to bring peace to the chaos and noise as you make a great day!