Bret Sanor is an Ordained Bishop with the Church of God serving on the state Evangelism Team for the Church of God in Ohio. Bret also serves as an International Evangelist serving as the Executive Director of North American Ministries for Redeeming Passion Ministries overseeing ministry in Mexico, Canada and the United States.
Bret Sanor Ministries is an International Ministry with a Global vision and mission. It is first and foremost a preaching ministry focused on proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world.
We offer discipleship, teaching and leadership material to ensure we carry out the Great Commission to make disciples, not just converts. Our desire is to ensure the believer lives a full life with sustainable faith by being rooted and grounded in the word of God.
Bret has been preaching the Gospel for over twenty years and has a strong passion to reach the lost, restore the backslider, bind up the broken, see people filled with the Holy Spirit, and deliver those who otherwise seem hopeless.
We want believers to be able to find their calling and purpose while equipping them to be a soul winning Christian who serves wholeheartedly through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Bret Sanor Ministries also has a deep passion for Music Ministry. Bishop Bret has recently signed a recording contract with 19RPM, an independent label based out of the Cambridge, Ohio area. He is recording now and is scheduled to release the album some time in the near future.
To be a world changer who creates world changers to reach the lost and hurting through the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our communities and around the globe.
Three Principles:
​Reach Out – Missionally Minded
Lift Up – Intentionally Compassionate
Connect – Relationally Driven