Good morning! In a selfish society, it's easy to overlook others and what they're going through. It's easy to to think, "But what about me and my problems?" But it takes character to help others while you are struggling too.
Jesus established a new law when He told His disciples, "A new command I give you, that you love one another." While He was on the cross, He didn't forget about others. He forgave those who mocked Him and hung Him on a cross.
He reassured the thief on the cross who defended Him. He took care of His mother and His youngest disciple. In His worst moments, He bore the burdens of others through His love. As He has loved us, let us love one another and so fulfill His law.
Dare to hurt with others while you hurt. Dare to love while being unloved. Christ will be in your midst and comfort you through fellowship. Pray for one another and lift each other up. Sing praise songs together and read the word to strengthen each other. You find Christ among you with His peace to help you make it through and make it a great day!