Good morning! A man is only as good as his word. If he doesn't stand by his word, his reputation is destroyed. His word is his glory and what he will be remembered for. But, it is finite, the word of the Lord, however, is eternal.
Most of our words we say over our lifetime will be forgotten. The word of the Lord endures forever. The word of man has a shelf life, but the word of the Lord shall never pass away. Whose words do you trust in?
There's nothing that can destroy the word of God. It is just as eternal as He is. Fill your life with His word. It is the eternal word of life full of wisdom and knowledge of God. He cannot lie and His word is absolute truth that will outlive the echoes of the edicts of kings and presidents. It is the everlasting word of the everlasting God. Thank Him for His eternal word today and do your best to live it out as you make a great day!