Good morning! Identity is important. Our nation has lost its identity and that's why it's in such confusion, division and turmoil. We need the Spirit of the Lord to breathe on us again and revive our true identity which is only found in Him.
He has called us to be in Christ and with that, we find who we are when we see who He is. In Him, we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and His own special people. Why? So we can proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.
If we understand this calling, we will live like a people who know they're loved, called and commissioned by God to love others, walk in peace and with the gentleness of self-control. Only those who don't know they're powerful have to act out in aggression to try to prove they're strong even if only to themselves. Let Christ's power be enough as you humbly walk in the authority of His identity as you make a great day!