Good morning! Something missing in a lot of the rhetoric from the church is a reverence for God. We hear a lot about His love, and rightly so, but He is still holy and just. His love doesn't excuse us from sinning.
We should take our faith seriously and seek the wisdom of heaven. A reverent fear of the Lord is the entry point of wisdom. Knowledge of His holiness and justice is understanding the nature of God. He both holy and loving.
His holiness points to His uniqueness and sovereignty. He is faithful and true; holy and just. His love points to His mercy and grace in willingly sending His Son to pay the penalty for sin.
Remember His love, but do not neglect His holiness. He is just and merciful and this gives us reason to fear Him but also to know Him in love. Fearing Him alone will cause rebellion, but loving Him alone will cause irreverence that takes His grace for granted. Love Him for His goodness knowing He could destroy us for our sin but sent Jesus instead so we can always make a great day!