Good morning! I remember being a kid and doing something wrong then wanting to somehow make it up by doing something good. Unfortunately, it doesn't really work that way. It is good to stop doing wrong and start doing good instead, but that is only repentance.
God forgives us by His grace, not by replacement of bad behavior with good. If we could undo our own sins, then why would God send His Son to die for us? It would be a very cruel thing for God to send His Son to go through all that He did for there to be some other way to forgiveness.
Grace is the unmerited favor of God given to us undeservedly. It is a gift, not an earned reward. God chose to give us this gift so we could be forgiven and have eternal life despite us deserving eternal death. That's why grace is so amazing. It is not earned, it is given to all who will accept it. Boast in the Lord for His great goodness and mercy as you stay humble and make a great day!