Good morning! We have been given a new and better covenant through Jesus Christ. No longer are we under the law of sin and death, but we are alive in the Spirit through the righteous works of Jesus, not of men. If we live by the Spirit, we are not under law according to Galatians 5:18.
Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the law of sin and death. He did everything needed to pay the ransom to set us free and give us eternal life. He fulfilled all that was written of Him. Over 300 prophesies fulfilled! It would be an astronomical number of odds if it were only 8, but 300 makes it undeniable.
Scripture is infallible and these verses are making the point that Jesus is the Christ because He fulfilled all the that was written of Him over hundreds of years at an exact precise time in history. He did what He said He would do, what the Scriptures said He would do and proved He alone is God. Praise Him today for making it abundantly clear that Jesus is the way of salvation as you make a great day!
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