Good morning! This is part of the Apostle Paul's prayer for the Ephesian church to have a spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of Christ. Before His prayer, He was talking to them about being sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. The Lord knew what He was doing in leading Paul writing this.
Isaiah 11 tells us Jesus would come with the Holy Spirit resting upon Him. It says the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding or revelation. So, Paul was praying they would be full of the power of the Holy Spirit resting upon them to know the calling of God and the value of His salvation.
To know your calling, you have to know Jesus and learn to hear the Holy Spirit speak to you in prayer and through the word. What you hear in prayer will be confirmed in the word to work together to know the calling of God and have the hope to stay strong and full of faith in tough times.
The hope of His calling will keep you motivated to keep going. Having purpose is what drives you to get out of bed and work each day. The incentive is knowing the riches of His glory and that you have an inheritance waiting for you when the work is finished. Think on this and go out and make a great day!