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Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Writer's picture: Bret SanorBret Sanor

Good morning! The culmination of Scripture all points to Jesus and that He is better. He's a better sacrifice, a better high priest, a better mediator, a better man and the sinless Savior; the Son of God. We sinned, we fell, we were cursed, we were separated from God, but God in His mercy sent His only Son that we would be reconciled to Him.

The perfect for the imperfect, the sinless for the sinful, the living for the dead, the best for the worst...this is Jesus and why He is better. He came in imperfect circumstances. He was born in a humbling way. He lived perfectly, died brutally, resurrected victoriously, ascended miraculously and is coming again triumphantly.

He lives and is not merely a spirit, He is flesh and bone. He lives and is coming back for those who wait eagerly for Him. Are you ready? Do you trust in His unfailing love? Put your trust in His blood that cleanses all sin and let His resurrection power be a testimony to you that He is God. Look for Him, wait for Him and focus on Him as He prepares to come for His bride! Be ready, stay ready and tell others about our King as you make a great day!


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