Good morning! Sometimes you can be in a dry place in life, but you can learn to worship there. Sometimes we want God only to get us out of where we are instead of worshiping Him despite the situation. If we only worship when it's easy, we are shallow in our faith and lacking in our love for Him.
He is worthy of worship regardless of where we are or what is happening. Sometimes, God leads us to the wilderness to get us alone with Him. He brings us to the dry places to refresh our love for Him instead of the things of Him. There's a difference.
If you only love Him for what He can do for you and the things He blesses you with, you are an idolator. Be like Daniel who worshiped in the lion's den. Be like Paul who worshiped in prison. Be like Jesus who worshiped while hanging from a cross. Let your soul get hungry and thirsty for the living God and He will teach you how to make any situation into a great day!