Good morning! My dad and I had a lot of talks before he passed. We would go on rides, fishing or sitting somewhere quiet to reflect and share about life. We had the same problem but in different scenarios dealing with integrity.
He had the hardest time keeping his integrity in crowds because he wanted to fit in with the guys. I am opposite of him. I have the hardest time when no one is around and I don't have a reputation to uphold. We all follow someone, rather it be others, ourselves or Jesus.
Who do you follow? Jesus is the righteousness of God who is full of mercy and truth. He is the giver of eternal life. In order to find life, righteousness and honor, we must give our lives to Him who honored God perfectly. He paid for us to have eternal life and make us the righteousness of God in Him. Choose carefully who you follow and seek to have life through Jesus as you make a great day!