Good morning! Jesus made some big claims about Himself and this is one of them. He could not make these claims without blaspheming God unless He was God. He went on to say that the bread the Israelites ate in the desert during the time of Moses was from heaven but did not sustain eternally.
He was making a comparison to show God provided then what would sustain them naturally but provided a better bread that would sustain spiritually. He is that new bread and this bread leads to eternal life. He satisfies the deepest need we have that is beyond sustenance for a day.
Eat of this bread and you shall never hunger again. Now, Jesus was speaking metaphorically that if we receive Him as God and not just another man, we will have eternal life and satisfy every need we have to belong. The things of this world will not satisfy and they will only give you a temporary cessation to your appetite.
Relationships, food, alcohol, substances that get you high, sexual activities will never fulfill the need and the void. Only Jesus, the bread of life, can do that. Don't settle for cheap imitations when you can have the genuine. Trust Jesus and digest the word of God like daily bread and it will satisfy, sustain and fulfill you so you can go make a great day!