Good morning! The Lord doesn't share His glory with another. He doesn't accept half-hearted worship. He takes sin seriously and desires for us to obey Him with fear and trembling. Yes, He loves us, but His love doesn't dismiss disobedience.
Jesus told us not to fear man who can take your natural life, but to fear God who can throw your soul into hell. That's pretty serious! God is to be revered and His commandments followed carefully.
There are blessings that accompany godly obedience that far outweigh any temporal gratification of the flesh. If you do what He says, He will be with you. He will comfort, guide, refresh, protect and provide for you. He knows best and it is in your best interest to follow Him trusting His leading. Trust the Lord and let Him guide you through life so you can have eternal life and make each day on earth a great day!