Good morning! The older I get, the more gray hair I find. But as I age, I also gain perspective and insight that I never had in my younger days. I see things differently and take time to ponder them.
I see the Lord's hand on my life even in my younger days that I missed in the moment. I see how even in my foolish youth, He was helping me. I see His handiwork leading me to where I am.
I am grateful for His faithfulness. I am glad that He doesn't stop guiding and parenting me even as I grow more mature. Without Him, I would be lost in every way. He sustains me and bears me in my weakness and missteps. He is an ever-present help.
Trust Him, lean on Him and know you never outgrow the love and guidance of your heavenly Father who is with you to the end. He was with you in your conception, development, birth and youth. He is with you in adulthood, retirement years and declining years. He is forever the Lord. Trust Him to help you to always make a great day!