Good morning! Are you in perfect peace? Did you know it actually exists? On our own, in our own ability and in the world, perfect peace doesn't exist, but in Jesus, it does. Do you have it?
No matter what comes your way, are you in peace or panic? Are you in anxiousness and worry or in Christ and His perfect peace? You can have perfect peace and this verse gives us the key that opens that door.
The key is keeping your mind on Christ and trusting Him in all things. This key opens the door to the perfect peace only He can give. Whenever I've been overwhelmed and lose peace is when I take my mind off of Jesus and start trying to figure out how I can fix everything.
When we lose sight of Jesus and try handling everything ourselves is when we lose peace and gain anxiety and worry. Keep your mind stayed on Jesus and teach yourself to trust Him and you will have His perfect peace. Think on this and let His peace rule your heart as you make a great day!