Good morning! Love is a difference maker. What measures the essence of your character is your ability to love others even when they wrong you. You might say, "But you don't know what they did to me." And, you're right, I may not know that, but I look to the cross and see what we all did to Christ.
Without the love of God living inside us, we will never be able to love others, especially when they hurt us. Jesus commands us to love our enemies. Anyone can hate their enemy, but it takes the love of God and a love for God to love your enemies. It's not always easy, but with God, it is possible.
Bless those who curse you and do good to those who hate you. Treat others the way Jesus has treated us, that while we were yet sinners, He came and died for us. Finally, Jesus commands for us to pray for those who spitefully use and persecute you. Man, I wish He would have left that part out!
He tells us that when we do this, we will be children of the Father in heaven. That's a good incentive! No matter how I feel about a situation or person, no matter what they have done, I have to remember I need to act like Jesus towards them to be considered a child of God. Being His child has to be more important than feelings, revenge, justice or pain. If I stay focused on Jesus, I will not let the hurt of this world overtake me. Put this into practice, ask for God's help and go make a great day!