Good morning! This is the rest of the passage from yesterday that shows us what God's love looks like. Some of these things are hard to read because it means I have a responsibility to practice it if I want to be a Christian and let my love look like His.
It's not enough to just pray through these verses and walk away with no responsibility on us. God gives us a picture of love. It's up to us to discipline ourselves to live it out. It takes intentional thoughts and actions to align with the word.
It means I celebrate others even when I don't feel like it. It means I put to death jealousy, envy, lies and doubt. It means I have to change what I choose to desire and not let my flesh win. It means I fill my life with the truth so that I can endure hardships and maintain integrity.
It means I keep faith, hope and love alive so I can act like God more and act like me less. It takes God's help to do this and makes it possible. On my own, I can't do it, but with God, all things are possible. Ask Him to help you and add this to your prayers so that you can be a disciple that bears His love and make each day a great day!