Good morning! Many people are really into having a title. Go to a conference of leaders and you will see a competitive environment where everyone wants to advance in rank or title. In ministry and the church, leadership means servanthood.
In the kingdom of God, to be great means to be a servant. Many people think leadership means to be served, but Jesus modeled true greatness. He said, "I did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give My life as a ransom for many." He served even unto death.
He was the greatest among them all, yet was the servant of all, which was the task given to the lowest or youngest of people. There is nothing wrong with having a title, but it should mean it equips you to serve others to lift them up to a place of servanthood.
Never let your title become an idol where you are the one being served. Serve others and help them become servants alongside you. Then, you will be considered great in the kingdom of God. Find ways to serve someone in some way each day and you will please God as you make a great day!