Good morning! This is all about diligent pursuit of Jesus. If we think we can say a prayer, cry a tear or two and make a few lifestyle changes without needing to ever asking, seeking or en treating Jesus again, we've deceived ourselves.
A relationship with God is all about intimacy and pursuit. Think about it. How healthy would a marriage be if after the honeymoon, they stopped talking to one another other than absolutely necessary, never ate meals together, slept in separate rooms and merely cohabit? It wouldn't last long, would it?
It is the same with Jesus. God went to great lengths to restore us and reconcile us to Himself so that we could have intimacy with Him through Jesus. He wants us to be His children and live with us forever. Continue to ask Him about the things you don't understand. Seek Him for answers and solutions. Knock on the door of heaven through consistent, persistent prayer and He will open the door for you and give you the wisdom you need.
God has all kinds of things He wants to share with you if you will simply pursue Him diligently. Let the relationship grow and learn about Him as He reveals things to you. He will show you the keys to living the abundant life Jesus came to give so you can always make a great day!