Good morning! This verse is a prayer and one we should put into our daily prayers. We should desire to live a life in word, thought and deed that is pleasing to the Lord. It's not easy to hold your tongue in a society so full of offensive ways, but it's necessary if we want to please God.
Anyone can lose control and fly off the handle at someone, but it takes someone who is self-controlled to keep their emotions in check and think before they respond. Wickedness is all around right now. Witchcraft is high in October. Be careful!
Satan likes to bait a trap for you to ruin your witness and cause you to fall into his temptations. Be careful and let the Lord check your heart before you speak and act. Let Him keep you humble and in the Spirit so you live by Him and not the flesh. Pray this prayer and be sensitive to His leading. Then He will teach you how to make a great day!