Good morning! Think about the ways the Lord has revealed Himself to you. Take a moment and ponder the encounters where you knew definitively the Lord showed up. Sometimes, it is big moments that speak loud and clear.
Other times, it's those still small moments that were so very profound where He showed up and gave me exactly what I needed to know it was the Lord. Sometimes, we want the big things, but we miss all the small moments that often speak the loudest to our hearts.
In what ways have you not stilled your heart to notice the Lord? Does it take a big moment before you see His handiwork? I love all that He does, rather big or small, to show Himself to be God. When I had no hope, He showed up.
When I was down and out, He lifted me up and in to the mercy of His grace. Don't forget He is God and ask Him to help you notice Him in all things. In your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight so you can always make a great day!