Good morning! Grace is not the liberty to do whatever you please without consequence. It is the unmerited, undeserved and unearned favor of God that gives us forgiveness and the opportunity to repent.
When we use God's grace as a license to sin, we use our liberty as an opportunity for the flesh; our sinful nature. We have been freed from sin through the grace of God. Why then would you use this gift as a way to put yourself back into the very thing that had you bound in the first place?
If we humble ourselves and realize without God's grace, we would be destined for an eternity in the lake of fire, we would live like we understand the cost of our liberty. It was Jesus that gave us this liberty and He said He did not come to be served to but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.
How much more so should we serve one another? Find a way to serve out of love for God, His people and the grace He has shown us through Christ. It's hard to be self-serving when you are serving the needs of others. Put this into practice and you will always find a way to make a great day!