Good morning! To live debt free and not try to have the latest greatest things in life seems like foolishness to the world. So does living a humble life for Jesus. They believe that if you just follow your heart and do your best to live a good life, that's all that matters and is enough.
It is a lie of the enemy to lull people asleep to be in constant comfort. Too often, the message of Jesus is come to Him to make your life better. It does do that, but it also makes it harder.
You are now a target for persecution, family members disowning you and being overlooked in the job market. A cross means death and dying to a life of comfort and selfishness but it is the way to eternal life. It is foolishness to those who are on the road to destruction but it is the power of God to us who are living for Jesus.
The suffering for Christ will pale in comparison to the glory we will experience in eternity. I pray you choose Christ instead of comfort. I pray you follow Christ instead of the crowd. I pray you are not ashamed of the gospel and live it out each day as you make a great day!