Good morning! Jesus suffered a horrific amount of punishment and even a cruel, public death on a cross. Yet, He did so with joy knowing His life paid for us to have forgiveness of sins and eternal life. That is love!
This is why we can trust God because He knew we couldn't redeem ourselves from sin or ever do enough to undo our sin. Once you break the law, you are a lawbreaker. We all lawbreakers so we cannot free ourselves of the same thing we are guilty of.
Jesus came, lived perfect and fulfilled the law to make us free when we put our trust in Him and believe the truth of His word. God came with an answer Himself instead of demanding our own means of salvation.
This is why all can be saved if they just turn from their sin, trust Jesus and live for Him. Whenever you struggle, look to Jesus. His is the answer and will free you so you can always make a great day!