Good morning! When is the last time your prayer looked more like a praise break than a demand letter? When is the last time you prayed and didn't ask for one single thing? If you were to write your prayer out, would it look more like a thank you letter or a petition?
Sometimes, the greatest way to get your prayer answered is by just reminding God of who He is. Put your focus on who you are praying to. Remind yourself of who He is and what He has done. Oftentimes, His peace comes when you just simply praise Him for who He is.
I challenge you and encourage you to make some portion of your prayer life just thanking, praising and exalting the Lord. Without asking a thing, take some portion of your day to pray like this verse. Pray this verse and also use your own words to tell God just what He means to you. It will be one way you can always make a great day!