Good morning! Jesus is in complete control of life and death. For believers, death is not really in our vocabulary. We don't die like everyone else. We pass from this life to the next in peace.
For us, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. So, even though we pass away in this life, we immediately open our eyes in the next in heaven. This is a great assurance for believers.
We don't have to fear death because we know Jesus has our life in His hands. Take it from me, because I have died. Heaven is a place you definitely want to be. Jesus is the only way to get there. I am a believer and when I died, I was alive in heaven.
He had a purpose to send me back to. So, He told me to come back and do the work He had prepared for me. So, even though I had died, I lived and when He said "live" just like He did for Lazarus, I came back to life. Rather in this life or the next, my life is in His hands. Put your life in His hands and lean on Him for peace as you make a great day!