Good morning! The devil would love nothing more than to steal the power of the word of God in you. He would love to steal your joy and zeal. He wants to steal your song so that you become weary and lose heart in these last days. Don't let him win!
Let is a permissive word. Give the word permission to take up residence in your heart and mind. Let it ruminate and germinate in you to help you understand the ways of the Lord. Let it fill you with wisdom, understanding, teaching and admonition.
The love of the Lord will fill your heart with joy which overflows into melodies and songs. This overflows into encouragement for each other. So, let the word fill you with the love, joy and melody of heaven. Then, share it with others, lifting each other up and singing together in love for the Lord. It will lift the mood in a dark time or a bad day. Let the word do its work in you as you make a great day!