Good morning! I've written several books so I am the creator of the content. I gave the rights to a publisher to release my book. I would have to buy the rights back. God has created you and He owns the contents as the Creator. He has a copyright on all of our lives.
If we give our lives back to Him to be saved for our sins, we surrender our rights to run our lives. We give it back to the author to do what He wants with what He created. Our body is His place tabernacle. We worship Him by what we do with our bodies.
Treat your body well and it will be a habitable place for God to feel welcomed. To have eternal life, God paid a seriously high price through the life of His own Son. May we not forget that price and treat His loving sacrifice frivolously. He paid to have ownership and the rights back to His creation. So, glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's as you make a great day!