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Writer's pictureBret Sanor

Tuesday's Verse of the Day Devotional

Good morning! God spent quality time with Adam and Eve before the fall. Afterward, He had a plan to restore the relationship and reconcile us to Himself. He gave us a the law to guide our morality and His Spirit to govern our souls.

He is a good Father who cares and does not give up on His children even when we turn away from Him in rebellion. He trains us for life and the battles we will face against the evil one. He is a good Father.

Good fathers correct and discipline without crushing the spirit of their children. They teach their kids to fear the Lord and understand the consequences for sin. They equip them for life and to have faith to combat the enemy during trials.

I thank God for what He has provided for me to train me to be a good dad, husband and minister. His grace is sufficient and I pray you love Him with all your heart as a legitimate child of God who can be trained, disciplined and corrected so that no matter what you can always make a great day!

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