Good morning! One of the biggest problems in the church at large is division, disagreements and a lack of unity. The Baptists can't get along with the Southern Baptists, the United Methodists can't agree on doctrine and split, the Evangelicals can't stand the Pentecostals and so on.
It is doing a lot of damage to the gospel and the devil is loving it. It's driving a lot of people away from Jesus and church. My brothers and sisters, this should not be! Why are we allowing this to happen while a world full of people are looking for truth yet going to hell?
We've forgotten the main thing, and that's Jesus Christ and Him crucified, buried, risen and ascended as the sacrifice and High Priest of God for us to take away our sins under the law for atonement and give us a new and better covenant through redemption. If we would focus on Him and not on who is right, we would win the lost and see revival.
No one is one hundred percent right, we've all sinned and fallen short of the standard. Jesus never did and never will so we need to be quiet and stop bickering amongst ourselves and repent of being prideful. It's about Jesus, it's always been and always will be about Him. Let us ask for forgiveness for taking our eyes off of Him and perverting the truth just to be right. If we would focus on Him, we'd have revival and make a great day every day!