Good morning! So many people are looking for an answer in a man or man-made ideals. There is no answer within yourself or any other person. There never has been and there never will be.
If there were, someone surely would have found it by now, but they haven't. There is only one way and that is through Jesus. He has always been, is and forever will be the only answer.
Otherwise, how cruel of God to send Jesus to live perfectly, die unjustly and suffer needlessly is there is another way? But, God is not cruel, but loving to send Jesus not to needlessly suffer and die, but to make every provision for us to have eternal life.
Don't forget or try to skip over the Mediator. Go to Jesus and remember, it's only through Him that we have access to the Father, forgiveness of sins and granted eternal life. Thank Him that His ransom was good once for all as you make a great day!