Good morning! Hebrews starts out in chapter one with the theme of the book. The whole concept is that Jesus is better. Better than what? Anything and everything.
He is better than the religion of the Jews that they were holding on to, better than the angels, better than the priests, better than all of creation and better than the law itself. Jesus is better and came to give us a new and better covenant.
The law was a mirror to show us our sinfulness, but it did not make us righteous. All have sinned so all are guilty. Jesus came and lived sinless to fulfill the law so that we might be free from sin. By His blood sacrifice, we have a new covenant that makes us righteous because of what He has done, not what we can do.
This is why He is the brightness of God's glory, the express image of the Father, the righteousness that kept and fulfilled the law and the word of His power that created all things and hold them together. Be grateful for Jesus who has made us the righteousness of God in Himself so that we can trust His finished work and live a holy life making each day a great one!