Good morning! This ministry is a family ministry. Today's devotional is from my daughter, Sonja. Enjoy her perspective on God's love from John 3:16.
Good morning, everyone! John 3:16 is a verse that most Christians have heard at one point or another. Though we have a sense of how great this verse is, we tend to hear it so often, that we forget the great power, love, and meaning behind it.
When I hear this verse, I think of the beginning. I think of God creating Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I think of God's love for them and plan for them. His plan was that they would be connected to Him and that they would fill the Earth. He wanted a deep connection with His creation.
One day a small little whisper reached an ear, "eat of the fruit...surely you will not die." In an instant, God's perfect plan was torn. Adam and Eve's eyes were opened. They had sinned. A gap was created between God and His creation. Death entered the world when it was never supposed to be there in the first place.
But God. He loved us. He knew from the start how great a debt our sin would cause us. He wanted to separate us from the death that full eternal separation from God would cause. He doesn't want us to be separated from Him. The Jews, to escape this death, made sacrifices of animals. Something would take their place so they could live.
But just saving the Jews wasn't fulfilling to God's perfect love. God wanted to save EVERYONE from the eternal separation and death. So, He made the ultimate sacrifice by sending His only Son, to struggle like we do for 33 years, fulfill prophesies, keep 613 Commandments, and eventually, set everyone free from death by dying on the cross. Now, all people can be one with Him again. Hallelujah and praise God for His love and caring about us enough to die for us. Have a blessed day!