Good morning! This chapter starts with a plea to walk in a manner worthy of the call in which Christ has called you. How? With humility, gentleness, patience and love. Live in this unity in the Spirit in the bond of peace.
The bond that keeps us all together in peace in the Holy Spirit which is held together by the love of Christ. So, live in holiness with love and character that exudes Christ in the bond of peace.
It's not hard to understand, just can be difficult to practice at times. If we seek to always be right, we will fight a lot about things that often do not matter. But, if we walk in humility, we will cede our right to be right to make the situation right that peace may be our portion.
It doesn't mean compromise the values and integrity of Scripture. It means that who cares what color the new carpet in the nursery is, or the paint scheme for the fellowship hall or who sings the special during the offering. Love one another and seek to live in unity over the gospel and forgive one another as Christ has undeservedly forgiven us. Do this and seek to make a great day!