Good morning! What we do is based on what we believe. It shows the condition of your heart and the character of your being. What you invest yourself in is what you love and value. What's the treasure of your heart?
If your treasure is in what you can acquire in this life, you will be a slave to what gets you what you want and the things which you obtain. Your happiness will be based on a false reality of temporal things.
If your treasure is in heaven, however, your happiness will be found in eternal things and will not ebb and flow with temporal things. Heaven has no shelf life. Salvation is not for a certain era. It is forever.
Let this hope be in you so that your treasure will be in what you cannot obtain of yourself. It is the free gift of God and cannot be destroyed by the things of this life. Put your hope in Jesus and your heart will be full no matter what happens in this life. Let Him be the treasure of your heart so that you will always be able to make a great day!