Good morning! Who better to receive the news of the Lamb of God being born than shepherds? They were the first to receive the news and the first to come visit the Savior. What a great gift to get for Christmas! They got to see the face of God!
Sometimes we receive things we don't like or want for Christmas. God gives the best gift that fits perfectly and never wears out. It is eternally perfect and never outdated. There is no expiration date on His sacrifice and is the gift that truly keeps on giving.
When you find yourself disappointed about a gift, think of Jesus. Know this season isn't about you, but about the love of God being poured out to undeserving people. We're all on the naughty list because all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. But praise be to God for His marvelous gift of Jesus! He wasn't wrapped in fancy paper and didn't come from the most expensive department store. He came from heaven to earth so we could go from earth to heaven. Be thankful for this gift and be kind to one another as you make a great day!