Good morning! We are very fortunate to live in the day we do. The people in the Old Testament only had hope of a coming Messiah who would one day save them and atone for their sins once and for all. We have the benefit of their hope through Jesus.
The blood of bulls and goats were no longer needed to appease God to cover our sins. Now, the blood of Jesus speaks better than the blood of animals. Because of His blood, though our sins are like scarlet, they are now white as snow. They they were red like crimson, they are like fresh, clean wool.
If you accept the forgiveness offered by His blood for your sins, live for Him and turn from unrighteous living, this is your portion. God wants you to come talk it over with Him. He desires for you to know Him and His love. His grace and mercy will free you from all the baggage and give you a new hope to live a new life. Let His love be your portion today as you make a great day!