Good morning! The will of God is in the word of God. Many people do not know the will of God for things because they do not fill their lives with the word of God. His word is not as mysterious as we make it out to be.
His will is laid out plainly so that we do not have to be ignorant of His desires. This gives us confidence to pray that whenever we ask according to His will that we will have whatever we ask for. I must stress, it is His will, not ours.
If you ask Him for a winning lottery ticket, He will not hear or answer that prayer. If you ask with selfish motives, He will not hear or answer that prayer. If you ask with the right motives according to His will, He will hear and answer that prayer.
This is why I continually pray for the lost because I know it is without a doubt His will that none perish but all come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray according to His will and trust Him to answer and you will be able to make a great day!