Good morning! Because of God's great love, we can have a great expectation of good things ahead. We can believe better things are coming and that His plans for us are greater than we could imagine. Do you believe this?
The things God has for us are not just or us in heaven, but He has plans for all of us now. It's our job not to sit on our hands waiting but to seek Him and discover what He has for us to do. Then, we need to get busy with hope attached to our labor that His best is what will be our reward.
The plans I had for my life may have been good, but what God has for me is great. I wanted to be a rock star. I played in front of small audiences trying to do that. When I surrendered my life and gifts to Him, He has put me in front of thousands of people to worship Him. Instead of chanting my name, they were shouting His. He is awesome and worthy of praise.
When you feel like you have no place in this world, know that God has made room for you to glorify Him and cause others to sing His name. Love Him, serve Him and put your hope in Him, because the best is yet to come and greater things await those who love Him! Keep this hope as you make a great day!