Good morning! Rest becomes easier when you have peace. A person not at peace is often in unrest. Where do you find peace? No, seriously, do you truly have peace and what do you find that in?
Too often, we give the standard canned church answer of "everything I find in Jesus," yet so many people are living in worry and anxiousness. Jesus promised there would be problems, trials, hardships and tribulations, but He also promised that we would have peace.
How? By abiding in Him, filling ourselves with His words and making a daily practice of prayer. Perspective comes from truth and seeing things from a viewpoint of the truth. Yes, there are problems, but there is also a Savior. Yes, there are issues, but we also have a Deliverer. What are you focused on? Focusing on the problems will only give you more problems. Focusing on Jesus will give you wisdom, knowledge and faith to overcome the problems. He is the answer and has overcome all things. Trust in Him, focus on Him and let His peace rule your heart. Then you will be able to overcome and make each day a great day!