Good morning! This is the gospel message. Jesus came, lived perfectly according to the law, fulfilled its requirements for atonement and salvation, redeemed us through His death and resurrection and completed the necessary legalities for us to be adopted as God's children. Hallelujah!
God sent His Son at the perfect time to fulfill at that was needed for us to be atoned for once and for all and redeemed with a new covenant that made room for not only the Jews, but also the Gentiles. We are all one in Christ. He will complete this redemption and salvation process when He returns for His people.
Are you ready to receive Him? If you accept Him as Savior and believe this gospel, your life will change. He will dwell in you and His love will abide in your heart. Then, you can have this hope of eternal life and heaven being your final destination. It gives me joy to know I am His child. I am longing for His return where we will no longer have to struggle against sin. What a day! Thank Him and get to know Him so you can long for His return and make each day a great day!