Good morning! Jospeh was a righteous man who wanted to do things right even when he thought Mary had sinned against him. That's what love does. It seeks to do right even when it's been wronged. When God does something radical, it can bring a lot of skepticism. How do you handle radical God moments?
Do you believe or do you doubt? Jospeh had doubts, but the Lord revealed Himself to him in a dream through an angel. Angels played a big role in the birth of Jesus. I wonder how many God-moments are missed because of a dismissive attitude and doubts? Joseph had a choice with what he was told. He immediately said "yes" to the call that was placed on his life much like Mary did.
God paired them up for a reason. He needed to two people He could trust to take care of His Son and would not hesitate to be obedient to instructions. It literally was life or death based on their obedience. When you read about Harod slaughtering toddlers, had they not listened, things could have turned out a lot different. Obedience is important. Say "yes" this season and every season to what God has called you to do. You never know the impact your "yes" will make until you do. Think on this and make a great day!