Good morning! Jesus had every right to strut his stuff so-to-speak because He truly is the Son of God. All God and all man in one person at the same time. All-powerful, all-knowing and perfect, yet He walked humbly.
He taught us what it means to live for God. He didn't make Himself of a person of reputation but made Himself of no reputation, humbling Himself and letting the miracles and work He did speak for itself.
He lived like a bondservant and did not come to earth in the glorified spiritual form. He came as a man to be like us and walk among us as one of us. He was obedient and suffered greatly not only on the cross but as He was falsely accused, wrongfully tried, unjustly convicted, unmercifully beaten, relentlessly whipped, ruthlessly mocked and brutally crucified.
He did it for you and I and all who would be their trust in Him. He took the penalty for our sin as if He was the worst of sinners. We cannot think of ourselves as something in light of Jesus. He is the portrait of humility, service, obedience and godliness. Let His example teach you how to live and make each day a great day!