Good morning! When I gave my life to Jesus, I meant it. I gave up my life to live the life He desires for me. I gave up my right to run my own life. That's what it means for Him to not just be Savior, but Lord. Is He Lord in your life?
I died to self so that Christ would live in and through me. I want to exude His love and grace to those who have never experienced it. He gave His life for me, it is only fitting I give my life to Him. It's unfair really...
He took my broken, messed up life and gave me a new, joy-filled life with hope and security knowing I'll be with Him forever. My prayer for you is that He not just be your Savior, but you surrender and make Him your Lord. Let Him call the shots and see how much better His peace is over your control.
His fulfillment and joy over your greed and selfishness. It won't be easy and it takes being crucified with Him daily. But the more you give Him of yourself, the more of Himself He will fill you with. Choose to be crucified with Christ daily and let Him live through you to make a great day!